Thursday, January 15, 2009

We're Home!

We arrive home safely on Tuesday. The temperature is only a mere 95 degrees colder here in MN as opposed to Florida. No wonder the plane had some empty seats in it- who on earth wants to come home to weather like this! Actually it is nice to be home and the weather is refreshing! Since I had a little time away it almost feels good!

I am not in the bloggy mood right now- one of our dear bloggy friends Linn from "a place called symplicity" is going through an extremely challenging time and your prayers for them would be so coveted. They have lost their home in a house fire. They just returned home with their 2 children from Uganda about 6 weeks ago and they have a special needs daughter in China they are waiting to bring home- did I forget to mention that they also have 7 other children. 

Please visit their site, pray for them and consider giving them a small donation. 
God's blessing to you-

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