Hubby and I have had 7 children so far soon to be nine- alleluia!
We have built sandboxes in many of our homes over the years BUT they have often gone unnoticed. We finally have a little one that is passionate about the sand! This little girl would play all day long in the sand- she loves it! And because she loves it- we love it!
I have been known to be a clean freak and immediately brush off the hands and feet but the Dear Lord is helping me to JUST ENJOY this sweet child as she plays in the sand! Sarah has even taken up a little more interest as she watches Anna who is so content with playing in this incredible tactile experience! What a wonderful sandbox- THE BEACH!
Again my mind drifts to Emma and Ellie- what will they be like? Will they tolerate the fact that their parents love the sunsets? Or will the want to chase the waves on the beach? Would they rather roller blade while the rest of the family stares at the setting sun? Or are they going to dig into the most wonderful sandbox in the world- THE BEACH!