Thursday, June 11, 2009

Our God is an Awesome God!

Sarah has been going to Vacation Bible School for the last couple days and she is loving it! It is so cool to see her enjoying herself at church and being with other kids her age! She doesn't quite "get" all that is going on put she his having fun! There is so much for her to "take in" with every new experience that it is impossible for her to understand all that is happening. Sometime I have to realize this and lower my expectations- our church is pretty big, so if she just finds her classroom, does the activities and stays with the group it is a success!

I came a few minutes early and all the kids were singing "Our God is an awesome God he reigns over heaven and earth, with wisdom, power and joy, our God is an awesome God!" It was so heartwarming to hear! She doesn't know the words yet but it is such a catchy, comforting tune- she'll get it soon!

I don't usually get very many comments on this blog BUT if by chance you know the nicer, more kid friendly version of "Now I lay me down to sleep"- will you please let me know what the rest of it is. I always said "if I should die before I wake..." I am not a fan of that version- and I don't want to freak out the kids!
Thank you! Blessings to you!


Lori at JOY Unspeakable said...

Ha! I always said it as "if I should die before I wake..." also. That's just creepy! Who wrote that anyway? Just make up your own words...

I'm so excited that Sarah is going to VBS! And that song is AWESOME! I'm so thankful that you are pouring the love of Jesus into her will make all the difference in the world.

Sue said...

Hi Jean,
Here is the version we say
Now lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
Keep my safely thru the night
and wake me in the morning light.

Sally-Girl! said...

Okay, my mom cross stitched this prayer for her son before he was born. At age five, he was hit by a car and died prior to her adopting me. However, this large framed cross stitch hangs in the kids bedroom and we say it some nights instead of our personal prayers.

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
Like the wee birds in the tree
Loving Father care for me
This I ask in Jesus name

Difference2This1 said...

How great to have a fun VBS for your Sarah!!! You might consider buying the CD if they are using a std. VBS program. We bought Group Pub. CD's last two years after our church's VBS...all our girls sing VBS songs all year round and LOVE it. It's been another great tool for learning English (and about God) for Tessa.

Rachel said...

Our version is...

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my sould to keep.
Guard me Jesus through the night
And wake me with the morning light.