Friday, June 26, 2009

Too Cute!!

I just have to say that 3 yrs old has to be about the cutest age ever! Hubby and I cannot get enough of this little petunia! Everything she does is adorable!

I have a question- I really need people to give me answers  but not many seem to reply on this blog PLEASE be brave and give me your 2 cents on the issue!

Anna is 3 yrs old. She is adorable and her Mommy loves being with her! It has been nice to have Montessori when Sarah first came home but now I feel like we need to learn how to HS with Anna around. I would like to HS all the girls if it works out.  Hopefully, God willing, all will go well and our 2 new daughters from China will join us in late winter/ early spring. So this will be a nice introduction to HS more than one, then we jump to four!

Do we-
1. Keep Anna home and HS pre-school. She will still have speech 2x a week and probably swimming lessons. We will also go to plays, have playgroups and do field trips together.

2. Do I put Anna in Montessori-2 x a week- half day or full day. She learns a lot, enjoys the children but everytime she cries when we leave her.

3. Do I try to find a traditional preschool that is only 2.5 hours long 2 times a week. That way she gets interaction with kids her age and she is not gone for very long.

Hmmmm. What is it gang? What do you think? How important is Pre-K at age 3?? 

Please be brave and give me a reply! 
Thank you! 


Jill said...

Hmmmm Jean...great question!
Here's my 2 cents, for whatever it's worth....
I think it depends on the child. Some children could totally thrive in a school setting (Montessori or otherwise) for a few days a week, and be supplemented by HS. Others, it might be a hinderance. For example, Lucy does really well at play groups, but at home can be a bit clingy. I think preschool 6 hours a week will do her well! Let her build some confidence, so she knows she can be okay without me. A girl the same age that I watch sometimes would be great with just HS. She is a completely different child!
So what it comes down to is you and what you all are comfortable with.
Sorry if that was no help! LOL! I am sure whatever you choose will be great!
Hugs, Jill

Hezra said...

Well, I hs them all. . . lol, but I have to admit, I drove by the local public, school today and saw the "sign up now for fall enrollment" and thought. . .ahhhh wow, to be FREE from 8-3!? But I know that God has said, HS until HE says otherwise. So we do. I think any kid can thrive with just hs-ing. But they all learn differently. There is an awesome book, "The way they learn", and another,"Honey for a childs heart". We do a sort of Montessori type thing at home for preschool. But then at 4 they start Alphabet Island.I would love to share HS tips and the best programs we have found. There are sesveral subjects we do with all my ages(4-12). I am a teacher at heart and LOVE HS. We are planning to HS our girls from El Sal. also. I think it can seriously help the bonding with adopted children. I am the type that naturally has an all or nothing approach. But with my kids, I have to realize they are individual. At some point some may ask to go to PS and God may say do it. But for now we are having fun(and I am learning too!) We do extra outside activities. 1 big thing for each kids each year. I try to help them figure out what they enjoy and we do that. Oh, and they have each chosen an instrument to learn. So far we have a dancer, a baseball player, and a theater buff. . . the littles get signed up next year for dance and baseball. email me please?? I have a gift for you and I wanted to ask you some questions.

Lori at JOY Unspeakable said...

I think it all depends on Anna. Some kids look forward to pre-school and love the interaction...others, not so much.

BUT, my biggest concern would be...once the other girls are finally home, is Anna going to feel left out...or isolated because she's the only one going off to 'school'? Remember that attachment is a LONG, LONG process and so you want to make sure Anna's not feeling pushed away, while the other girls get to stay home with Mama.

If she were my child, unless she REALLY loved her little school, I would just keep her home. Especially since you have her involved in other groups and activities.

However, having said all would be really nice for her to be away & occupied while you are trying to HS the other girls.

I hope that helped! Probably not! :)

Pam said...

Not having formally homeschooled my little girls yet....
I am planning to NOT send my little girls to preschool. I know AC would love it, but I also know that when it comes time for kindergarten it would be a hard transition to bring her back home. She LOVES to be out and about! AC goes to the nursery at our church on Sundays and to a little Bible study class one day a week (duuring the school year) as well. I think that is just enough "class" setting for her to learn to get along with her age-mates. We also get together with another mom and her Chinese daughter weekly for little field trip type activities.

Having been a preschool teacher myself "before kids", there is nothing learned at preschool that cannot be taught at home in a very natural way. Plenty of reading and learning through the context of "life" teaches a preschool aged child all they need to know.

Mom to my China Posse said...

Hi Jean, As you know I have a 3 year old as well and I agree I love this age! So far we haven't sent her to pre school but all her sisters at about age 4 went so we will probaly this fall. I really think a couple mornings a week helps with their social skills and helps them gain a little independence. After reading the comments I see its not what the others have suggested but for our girls they have all loved preschool. You could always try it for a week or two and see if Anna responds well. Kathy

Sally-Girl! said...

I say do what feels right. Mommy always knows best. We just second guess ourselves and then end up flying across the nation in the end anyhow!!! :)

Michele said...

We are a HS family. Here are my thoughts - I know most people wont agree with me, but what else is new? LOL. Anyway, I believe that three is such a tender, sweet, impressionable age. I couldn't imagine someone else having my three year old for hours a day. Even if it is just twice a week. I also believe that they get socialization at church, playgroups, etc... it doesn't have to be at school. So that never worries me.

I just believe that a child that age (any age, honestly) belongs home with their mommy. You can teach her all she needs to know.

As far as handling her while you are teachingg your older daugther(s), there are a ton of things you can do to occupy her while you are getting important work done.

Those are just MY thoughts and what works for MY family. I realize that may not be for everyone.

Unknown said...

As a teacher, I would go with choice 3.

Donna said...

As a homeschool mom of 3 boys, here is what I suggest. At 3, if she is crying when you leave her, even though she likes it, I would just keep her home. Save the money and enjoy your daughters. If you do put her in a preschool, I suggest the shortest time.

Jboo said...

Tough questions and I would agree that it depends so much on the child. When my girl was little, she cried a bit initially at preschool, but then really enjoyed it. I would think a short amount of time a week would be a good idea. Have to agree with Jill -- do what feels to you. Hope you have a great weekend!


Unknown said...

Jean, I just want to say that she is absolutely adorable! I can't wait to have our 3 year old home from China and I can't wait to share pictures! I am a public school teacher but have taught off and on in order to stay home with my kids over the years. I just went back to work two years ago having NO idea that God was going to lead us to adopt again. From my viewpoint keep her home this year. I think preschool at four years old is great for just one year to get them ready if they go to public school, but that time with mommy can't be replaced. Do what you think is best for her, but I don't know that leaving her crying is worth it. Praying God leads you with a perfect peace in your decision. Suzette

Chasity said...

I can give my opinion according to what I feel like our 3 year olds. Jiesue has been home for over a year and she will begin a pre-school in Fall. I'm anticipating many tears, however, I know she needs to go. Our son went at 3 (however, he was home with us for 3 years so he was ready). I think it is important for Jie to be with children her own age and learn from other people besides mommy and daddy. Thankful the pre-school is a wonderful Christian school that we trust the staff and have faith that they will provide the tools for a wonderful education and social experience. Best of luck, it is a very tough decision. P.S. She is absolutely adorable, I love the little bloomers!

Karen said...

As a HS mom of 6, only my oldest went to preschool-MDO (and only for 3 classes:-). I think we are so focused on our young children "schooling" that we forget that they can learn through life experiences, with us, in the home. They can also learn by listening to/observing/overhearing their older siblings being taught. I never did a strict preschool at 3yrs, we just did a lot of letter & number play as well as reading books. If you are planning on HSing your newest girls, it would be easier to work out the logistics of HSing with Anna now, with only Sarah, then when you have two more older ones to teach. I agree with Lori about Anna being the only one off to school when all her sisters get to be home with mom and with attachment being a long process. You could also let Sarah be your "helper" for a short time during the day and have her "teach" Anna her letters, numbers,read to her, etc which will reinforce what Sarah has learned and give her confidence as well as let you see ways Sarah can "help" with Anna once their sisters are home. My older ones (11 & 9yrs)love the time they are scheduled to "teach" the little ones. (I still work with the little ones too, but the older ones are able to reinforce their lesson). My advice would be to keep her home and enjoy the time with just two girls home before your new two arrive. Just my opinion since I couldn't imagine not having my kids with me during the day. I am so blessed to be able to stay home and HS them. It's a tough decision to make, but the rewards are priceless. I know it's long, but you asked:-)

acceptance with joy said...

I am a 2nd generation homeschooler all the way. I totally agree with Michele. I think you wouldn't regret keeping her home in the end.

Kim said...

I am a HS momma to six...two of which are preschoolers. Next year will be our seventh year to HS, and I have never regretted keeping my little ones at home with me. My older kiddos serve as teacher helpers and spend time reading,working on the alphabet,doing puzzles,etc.. with the younger kiddos during the school day. It is amazing to see the bond that forms with all the siblings. I love having "one on one" time with all the kids and finally seemed to develop a schedule that worked for us. As a former PK/Knd. teacher, I agree with one of the earlier comments about teaching the same preschool concepts at home in a very natural way. Ultimately it does come down to the child and what you feel is the right path for her. I will pray that God gives you clear discernment about this.

Janet said...

Psalm 1:1. Whose feet do you want her sitting at? No flames please, I speak out on my strong HS beliefs. So many people worry about the socialization; ever heard of NEGATIVE Socialization- because that's what the bulk of it is. Like how Sarah was influenced by the neighbor so easily? I'd be happy to help you with ideas to enable you to get everything done. Jaent

Faye Verquer said...

Keep her home! You will blink and she will be all grown up! Keep her home! I have 4 older children and a 3 year old and I feel with the chaos that goes with the older ones I miss so much of her being 3...Keep her home!

Tesseraemum said...

Hi Jean, I have been reading your blog for awhile and love it (by the way!) I wanted to weigh in on this question for what its worth. I am a preschool teacher AND I have homeschooled my kids. The big 2 are in school now. I have a 3 year old starting ps this fall. My 1st son started ps at 4 and went to a young 5 class while we did kindergarten at home. He was not ready at 3. My middle daughter was ready at 1 to go to preschool! She went at 3. My youngest has a february birthday and she is ready...That being said I have seen kids who are not ready and do not benefit from ps because they are just stressed out. PS is such a magical time even with homeschooling I would recommend sending kids for at least one year. Contrary to current schools of thought. PS is meant to PREPARE a child to learn rather than actually coming away from it reading and writing. They learn to think outside themselves for the 1st time and interact with others. This is a very real thing and kids come to realize they are their own person (not a part of mom). Some kids do this later than others and since your daughter is just beginning to attach she will be older before she is ready to spread her wings! You do so many other things I would not stress about it. I would wait a year or so and she will be able to fully appreciate the special things that happen in preschool! I'm not saying this because I am one but I have watched my kids with their preschool teachers and to this day they still hold a place of love and awe for them. As they get older teachers or coaches become human and make mistakes but preschool teachers are above reproach! They can do no wrong and I am so thankful my kids have a memory like that to carry with them. You are so great whatever you do she is going to be wonderful! Just enjoy her!