Friday, October 3, 2008


While I was filling up the bathtub Princess Anna was on the royal potty. She was succesful with both potty and poopy! I no quite sure if she new exactly what happened but at least we have some success stories, already. We will not be actively pursuing potty training since we HOPE to be leaving for China but the royal potty is available if it is needed!

Anna has a few step stools around the house. She is such a big girl and can stand on the one in her bathroom and wash her hands and brush her teeth! It is so cute to see such a peanut doing these things! Step stools are good for other things too like reaching Mommy's make up and getting into drawers with permanent markers... we need to watch this one closely!

Anna and I will be re evaluating our weekly schedule. It is a bit to busy. We need more time for just Mommy and Anna at home, instead of rushing off each morning.

For the Lord is good.
His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.
Psalm 100:5

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